The Month of September is dedicated to the commemoration of various Chronic & Life Threatening Diseases, which can be prevented & even cured, if detected well in time.
Aarogyam Institute of Integrated Medical Sciences in Collaboration with ReTHINK INDIA Institute would be educating & illumining our Community of Aarogyata Seekers to each one of these Health Conditions.
Meanwhile, do circulate this communique to your entire Circle of Influence to get illumined…
Organize Awareness Events on one or more of these Health Conditions in your very Institutions and report about them to We shall make it a point to widely circulate your efforts..
If you happen to be an Educational Institution, you may like to throw this #SeptemberAarogyataChallenge to your students (especially those, who aspire to go for careers in Healthcare) to explore deep into each of these Health Conditions and submit their individual presentations to their #BiologyTeacher.
Awareness Month
Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of
Awareness Month
Prevention, Detection, and Treatment of
Very educating.